Title: The Right Stuff -Ham the Chimp-
Size: 880×480×200 mm
Material: Documents (NASA Technical Note, 1961, USA), cardboard, Japanese paper, wax, 
               plastic board
Year: 2020

The history of space development is based on many sacrifices.
Victims of attacks by V2 rockets developed as a weapon during World War II and forced labor in factories.
In the space race that began in earnest after the war, much information was lacking in order to send humans to the moon.
In order to obtain this information, various insects, reptiles, mammals, and fish, from small fruit flies to chimpanzees, were sent into space, and some even lost their lives.
The motif of this work is the ``Mercury Project'', which took place on January 30, 1961, when the United States planned to send humans into space (strictly speaking, suborbitally). Ham, a chimpanzee who made a suborbital flight.
Ham safely returned to Earth and lived for 17 years.
The head of this work is semi-transparent (made of paraffin wax).The ham is an animal that still has a name in history in space development, but we humans have sacrificed ourselves to many nameless animals. A translucent material that is difficult to see is used to convey the meaning of an ``invisible presence'' who can safely travel to outer space. Although this kind of space suit did not originally arrive, it is based on the pressurized suit (also called space suit) worn by humans during the Mercury Project.
I made him wear it.
He's also an astronaut.

タイトル:The Right Stuff -Ham the Chimp-
サイズ:880×480×200 mm
素材:書類(NASA Technical Note、1961年、アメリカ)、ダンボール、和紙・ロウ・プラ板

第2次大戦時中の兵器として開発されたV2 ロケットによる攻撃、工場での強制労働、による犠牲者。
この作品のモチーフは1961年1月30日、アメリカが人間を宇宙( 厳密には弾道) に送るための「マーキュリー計画」で、人間が行く前に、安全性を確認するため宇宙飛行士より先に弾道飛行を行ったチンパンジーの「ハム」である。
この作品の頭の見半透明( パラフィンワックス) なのは、宇宙開発の中ではまだハムは、歴史に名を残している動物ではあるが、多くの名もなき動物たちの犠牲の上で我々人類が無事に宇宙空間へ行けるようになったという「見えない存在」という意味をこめ、あえて半透明の見にくい素材を使用している。そして本来はこのような宇宙服は来ていないが、マーキュリー計画で人間が着用した与圧服( 宇宙服ともいう) をイメー

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