Title: Operation Crossroads
Size: 225×1103×850 mm
Material:Newspaper (1945-1960, Japan, copy) cardboard, Japanese paper, paper board, paper
Year: 2016
She was the flagship for the attack on Pearl Harbor, and was the country's symbolic ship at the start of the war, carrying all the hopes and expectations of the people. However, as the war situation worsened and air power became the main force, the era of the "battleship" began. However, due to a lack of fuel and supplies, the ship was unable to go out to sea, and instead headed for the end of the war in Tokyo Bay.
After the end of the war, it was requisitioned by the Allied Powers (U.S. military), and was partially damaged by air raids and has not been repaired, and its chimney and mast have been removed. As of September 15th, she was discharged from the Imperial Navy.
After a detailed investigation by the US Navy, she was disarmed and departed for Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 18, 1946 to participate as a target ship in Operation Crossroads (a US military hydrogen bomb test). July 1, 1946, first test (ABLE, air explosion greatly misses ground zero).
At this time, Nagato was almost unharmed (only the surface of her armor towards the hypocenter had melted, so there was no problem with navigation). Second experiment (BAKER, underwater explosion) on July 25th.
It was located 900-1000m from the hypocenter and had a list of approximately 5 degrees to starboard. Still, Nagato remained floating on the sea. However, four days later, on the morning of July 29, when those involved in the experiment looked at the sea surface where Nagato had been, the ship was no longer there.
The ship sank quietly between midnight on July 28th and early morning on the 29th due to increasing flooding.

タイトル:Operation Crossroads
サイズ:225×1103×850 mm
終戦後連合国(米軍)に接収、空襲によって中破したまま修復されておらず、煙突とマストは撤去されていた。そして9 月15 日附で帝国海軍から除籍された。
その後アメリカ海軍による詳細な調査の後武装解除され、1946 年3 月18 日にクロスロード作戦(アメリカ軍の水爆実験)に標的艦として参加するためマーシャル諸島のビキニ環礁へ出発。1946 年7月1日、第一実験(ABLE、空中爆発予定爆心地を大きくはずしてしまう)。
この時長門は殆ど無傷(爆心地方向の装甲表面が融解したのみで航行に問題なし)であった。7 月25 日に第二実験(BAKER、水中爆発)。
爆心地から900-1000mの位置にあり、右舷側に約5 度の傾斜を生じた。それでも長門は海上に浮かんでいた。しかし、4 日後の7 月29 日の朝、実験関係者が長門のいた海面を見てみると、既に同艦の姿は海上にはなかった。
7 月28 日深夜から29 日未明にかけて、浸水の拡大によってひっそりと沈没した。
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