Title: I _ History
Size: 550×360×150 mm
Material: Water-based resin, paper (laser processing), water-based pigment
Year: 2020

Memories are something that everyone has, such as the toy they loved when they were little, the meal they ate yesterday, the recent incident in their neighborhood, the war in some country they saw on the news this morning, and everything in the world. The existence of an event remains in someone's brain or heart; that is the existence of memory.
Various events can be called memories, but remembering and not forgetting at the same time is certainly the meaning of "memory".
Do you remember the things you played with as a child, the breakfast you ate this morning, the incident on the TV news you saw yesterday, or the deaths in recent wars?
No matter what it is, ``memory'' dies when you forget it. In order not to destroy memory, humans invented ``recording.''
They are paintings like the La Pasiega Cave murals, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Mesopotamian cuneiform, Chinese oracle bone script, and three-dimensional figures such as the Venus of Holle Fels. "Memories" are not forgotten, but remain as proof of their existence, and can be passed on to future generations. However, not all memories are preserved; memories are fragile and dangerous.
There are things that are forgotten and lost even if they are recorded, and there are things that are never even "recorded" in the first place. What is the difference between beings that remain in records and those that do not? What is their importance? Do memories that are waiting to disappear have no value in existence? Even if it is impossible for all memories to remain, I want to create opportunities for remembering and leave traces of the existence of all things as much as possible. I shape decaying memories into things that can be forgotten. Memory has meaning in recording it.

タイトル:I _ History
サイズ:550×360×150 mm

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