Title: A new eve.
Size: 97×325×222 mm
Material:Newspaper (December 17, 2022, Asahi Shimbun Japan)/Paper
Year: 2023
The material used was the Asahi Shimbun published on December 17, 2022, and the main focus was on news articles related to the security transformation that greatly changed Japan's security after the war.The motif is the F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter with stealth capabilities deployed by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.
タイトル:A new eve.
サイズ:97×325×222 mm
素材:新聞(2022年12月17日、 日本)・紙
モチーフは航空自衛隊に配備されるステルス機能を持った統合打撃戦闘機F-35A Lightning II
モチーフは航空自衛隊に配備されるステルス機能を持った統合打撃戦闘機F-35A Lightning II