Title: 1944.12.21
Size: 430×138×54 mm
Medium:Newspaper (Showa 16-19, Asahi Shimbun, Japan), paper
Year of creation: 2021
The motif is Mamiya, a food supply ship that was active in the former Japanese Navy to mainly supply food to fleets and anchorages, and the material is Asahi Shimbun published from 1941 to 1944 because it was a ship that carried food. I used many articles about (real) food, meals, etc.The title, December 21, 1944, is the date on which the Mamiya was sunk by a torpedo attack by a U.S. submarine.

サイズ:430×138×54 mm
素材:新聞(昭和16~19年、朝日新聞、 日本)、紙
モチーフは旧日本海軍にて主に食料などを艦隊、泊地へ供給するために活動していた給糧艦 間宮(きゅうりょうかん まみや)をモチーフに制作し、素材は、食料を運ぶ船なので1941〜44年発行の朝日新聞(実物)の食糧、食事などに関する記事を多く使用した。
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